Pinball videos

Elton John Pinball With Bill Grupp - Overview, Game Play, & A History Lesson - Win A Banner! 

TiltTrek gets a chance to play Barrels Of Fun's 1st game, Labyrinth.  We explore many of the shots, share some experiences with the game, and answer the question, Is it worth the hype?  

Labyrinth - Worth The Hype?

TiltTrek gets a chance to play Barrels Of Fun's 1st game, Labyrinth.  We explore many of the shots, share some experiences with the game, and answer the question, Is it worth the hype?  

Big Bang Bar

TiltTrek takes a quick look at a rare game that has earned it's place in pinball history. 


The Art Of The Big Pinball Deal

TiltTrek explores the ins and outs of making a 31 game pinball deal and the games that come along in such an endeavor.  Filmed at Tilt Amusements. 


We Get Animated About Elton John

TiltTrek interviews the animation team for Elton John Pinball.  Get the insight on how this game comes to life.  Interviews with Mark Molitor, and Olaf Gremie 

Labyrinth - Barrels of fun

We have "Barrels Of Fun" playing and chatting all about Labyrinth with David Van Es. 

Venom!  Pro or Premium?

We trek to Tilt Amusements to play Venom Pro and Premium machines.  All to help you answer the question, "Do I want a Pro or a Premium"?  

Fathom- Unboxing A Mermaid 

TiltTrek looks at our new Fathom pinball machine by Haggis Pinball.  We unbox, play a game or two and give you some of our initial thoughts. 



Foo Fighters Pinball - 

Do I Need A Premium? 

TiltTrek takes a quick look at Foo Fighters Pinball and trys to help you answer the question, "do I need a premium? 



Scooby Doo

TiltTrek joins our league mates, The Lake Maraldo Pin Club to offer our first impressions of Spooky Pinball's Scooby Doo. 



Galactic Tank Force

TiltTrek joins our friends at Tilt Amusements to walk around and play American Pinball's Galactic Tank Force. 


foo fighters Unboxing

TiltTrek joins our friends Pinball Haven, The Nightshop and Tilt Amusements to unbox a new Foo Fighters pinball machine.  We unbox and give our first thoughts.  Times: Unboxing 1:07, 1st balls 2:32,Thoughts 7:18 


Bond 60th Unboxing

Coming off a trade, TiltTrek receives a rare Bond 60th pinball machine.  We unbox, play our 1st balls, install a mod, share our thoughts and even due some basic Stern repairs.  Times: Unboxing :35, Modding 3:00, 1st balls 4:00, Thoughts 11:00, Repairs 12:50, Bloopers 16:11